Sunday, 7 November 2010

Flip Festival - impressions

With Flip Festival over it's back to work but here's my thoughts on the festival.

Thursday - Birmingham: Millennium Point

A little disappointing in attendance as I imagined it to be busier than the main festival days at the Lighthouse. My film was shown too, although it had to be restarted when the projector switched off and the screen saver appeared. Quite a scary experience when only the sound effects could be heard. Luckily, the reaction at the end of the film made up for the mistakes made during the screening process so it was worth it.

Although, I hope they have a bigger screen next year for the launch party screenings as it was only a fraction of the size of the screen at the lighthouse (as the Thursday screenings were shown on a small lecture room sized screen).

Friday - Wolverhampton: Lighthouse

Definitely my favourite day of the festival and was the busiest of the three days. I was part of the volunteering staff for this day and Saturday so it meant I had something to do in between the waiting times. The screenings were great but my highlight was definitely the media molecule talk. It felt like a really fun studio to work in, in terms of the atmosphere and the way they worked. It was great to see the development of Sack boy too.

Back to the screenings, I was amazed by the amount of stop motion animations and how awesome they all were. My favourite of these was Savage Mountain and Lucky.

Saturday - Wolverhampton: Lighthouse

Another great day although very disappointed that Andy Gent never turned up for his talk (hope he's ok though). The international shorts were great, my favourite being Urs which combined 3D characters against beautiful 2D backgrounds.

The student screenings were cool too. Unfortunately, my uni didn't make the top 3 animations but the ones that won were exceptionally good so congratulations to them.

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